Lead Well


Leadership styles.

Daniel Goleman sets out six leadership styles in his emotional intelligence in the workplace framework. Take our styles test to see the balance that you have between them - book a session to talk through your results and create a plan for action!


High trust organisation achieve their mission with ease! Building trust is explored in this course - learning the practical why and hows of doing so and exploring what could be developed in your organisation and practice.


Learning organisations know how to look at themselves and grow based on experience. Using the key domains of learning, this course allows you to think about learning at all levels, with all types of issue and projects and allows your organisation to develop well and to influence with clarity.


Change is all around us - our sector is always in flux. This course introduces a simple change theory and then explores how we might bear it in mind to work mindfully when leading change.


You can't take the human element out of teams but you can work with team dynamics in a way that generates engagement, creativity and opportunities to bond. In this workshop we think about the fundamental dynamics in teams and how leaders can attend to the whole teams needs and not lose task focus.


In this bonus session (gifted to those completing the full Leadership course), the group are introduced to the concept of action learning sets as they explore a dilemma and gain the insight to using this powerful group coaching approach within their teams.